Monday, May 07, 2012

Blown Away Kite

Have I ever told you not to play with the kite? I mean, if you really want to play the kite, hand it seriously. Like, when you blow it, don't blow it too high. You might lose it away by the wind or another player might win the kite over you.

Did you ever understand what I'm saying? Ah, why did you so lame playing it? You've lost it and now you want it back? Do you see the kite now? Do you see who win it over you? Do you? Eh?

Once you play with the kite and you blow it over--whether the kite goes away with the wind cos you fly it too high or somebody wins that over you--you will never get the kite back. Even if you win the kite once more, it'll never be the same.

Did you also realize that you can't play with many kites? But you did. What are you--playing with many kites? Some like a professional kite player? Oh, perhaps you were prepared for the blown away kite? So if you lose a one single kite you will still have many in your hands? Go fcuk your kiteS!

If you ever want to have a kite that fits you the most, KEEP IT. Keep the kite and don't play that too rough with many other kites or you'll see this kite flies away. Because when you realize you already got the best, no way you can't get the better. Keep it, for what it is.

And when you knew you've lost it, there's no way you can get it back. Even if you beg, steal, pray, hope, kneel... No. Fcukin. Way.

I guess this is the period of our story, then.


Nik Salsabiila said...

Something lose from our hand..that's make us feel empty.. :'(

Unknown said...

Nice Post!!
salam kenal ya..singgah

singgah juga disini..

fanyli said...

@ Nick Salsabiila: trust me, God fills what's been empty in return, at the exact time :)

@ Ahmad: thanks yaa, I'll visit ;)