Monday, November 08, 2010

Boy: Kucing Jantan dengan 1001 Urusan

hai. aku Boy Anggoro Sitampan.

aku adalah kucing yang punya banyak urusan.

iya, urusanku banyak. papah, mamah, kakak, kalah semua kalo soal urusan. aku sendiri sampe bingung mana yang lebih prioritas antara urusanku yang satu dan yang lainnya, aku juga bingung gimana cara ngatur waktunya biar semua urusanku itu keurus. fiuh..

urusanku yang pertama, tapi bukan berarti yang lebih prioritas loh ya. prioritas urusan sih tergantung situasi dan kondisi. contohnya gini, kalo aku lagi main--yang notabene adalah salah satu urusanku--terus aku laper, nah berarti kan aku harus berurusan sama perutku dulu sebelum aku main. jadi, aku harus makan dulu, selesain urusan perut, baru deh aku main, selesain urusan sosial. :3

oke, tadi aku belom sebutin kan urusanku yang pertama? jadi urusanku yang pertama itu adalah menjaga wilayah teritorial. setiap pagi dan sore aku jalan jalan keluar, mampir ke rumah rumah tetangga buat ngejaga wilayah teritorial aku. kalo bau bau aku udah ilang, ya tinggal aku pipisin lagi. biasanya aku tandain wilayah aku--pipis--di pager tetangga, pohon tetangga, atau kadang kadang di bangku teras tetangga. nah, bicara soal wilayah teritorial, wilayahku cukup luas loh, awalnya kan cuma halaman rumah aku, terus meluas sampe rumah tetangga depan, nah sekarang udah meluas sampe satu lingkungan RT 09 hahaha aku senang!

sekarang, urusanku yang kedua. urusan yang kedua masih di sekitar lingkungan RT juga sih, yaitu pacaran sama mawar. mawar adalah kucing betina bulu pendek punya tetanggaku, cantik deh dia, semok, badannya gendut kayak aku. aku suka tuh betina yang kayak begitu :3 . jujur, sebenernya aku ga tau siapa nama si betina sebenernya, tapi kakak pernah bilang gini waktu aku pulang dari rumahnya, "kamu ngapain boy main sama kucing itu? dia "mawar" tau, boy. cantik tapi jahat sama kamu. liat aja tuh, masa kalo kamu dateng dia malah main sama kucing lain".

oke, sekarang urusanku yang ketiga, masih di lingkungan RT juga, yaitu mempertahankan wilayah teritorialku. ini beda loh ya sama urusanku yang pertama. kalo yang ini melibatkan fisik, persis kayak yang lagi terjadi sama aku. tadi sore, aku kejar kejaran sama pejantan yang masuk teritorial aku. satpam komplek sampe ngusir aku suruh pulang. tapi aku ngga mau, aku tetep kejar pejantan itu sampe dapet dan ngasih dia pelajaran.
tapi aku capeeeeeekkkk banget ngejarnya. jadi, aku kejar sebentar, terus aku pulang sebentar buat istirahat. kakak bilang sama aku, "boy! kenapa kamu ngos-ngosan kayak gitu? pasti berantem lagi ya? jangan jangan kucing yang tadi di hush-hush-in sama si asep itu kamu ya? udah kamu istirahat dulu deh. mau makan? minum susu mau boy?". yaa, aku sih ga pernah nolak kalo kakak kasih aku susu :3

urusanku yang keempat adalah jaga malam di rumah. rumahku itu buanyaaaaaakkk banget penunggunya. di garasi, di kamar mandi, sampe di halaman belakang juga ada. aku, sebagai kucing jantan yang pemberani dan bertanggungjawab, harus melindungi keluargaku. capek sih emang meong-meongan di rumah kalo udah malem, apalagi kak aldi suka marah marah sama aku, kadang kadang dia nampar malah. dia bilang aku berisik bikin dia ngga bisa tidur, tapi aku meong meong kan biar ngga digangguin sama si "itu". hiiiiyyyy.. aku sendiri suka takut dari mulai magrib sampe selesai subuh...

nah, urusanku yang selanjutnya adalah urusan perut. ini nih kayaknya urusanku yang paling prioritas, harus didahulukan dan ngga bisa diganggu-gugat. aku adalah kucing yang kalo badanku kurus sedikiiiittt aja bakal kena marah sama kakakku. waktu itu kakakku pernah bilang gini, "kamu kok kurus sih boy? malu maluin! kamu kan dikasih makan, dikasih susu, kenapa bisa kurus sih? makanya jangan main mulu! kucing punya majikan kok kurus sih, kayak kucing liar aja. makan sana!"
sebagai tambahan aja nih, ini adalah daftar makanan dan minuman top ten favorit aku, Boy Anggoro Sitampan:

TOP 10 Boy Anggoro Sitampan's Favourite Food and Drink

1. Cicak

2. Royal Canin

3. Friskies

4. Bear Brand / Susu Full Cream Lainnya

5. Keju

6. Ikan

7. Martabak keju

8. Susu bear brand rasa teh

9. Ayam

10. Kue pukis

kadang kadang sih aku suka cobain gorengan juga, kayak bakwan, tahu, sama kerupuk tanpa sepengetahuan kakak yang aku ambil dari meja makan. abis itu emang sih kakak marah gara gara aku naik naik ke meja makan...

abis isi perut, tau dooonnggg urusanku yang lainnya ngapain? yak! urusan buang hajat! dulu sih waktu aku di rumah yang lama, sebelum pindah, aku dikasih tempat yang isinya pasir. disana aku juga sempet diajarin pipis si toilet. tapi basah, aku ngga mau. nah di rumah yang baru ini, karena ada halaman belakangnya, aku sempet buang hajat disitu, sebelum aku dilepas sama kakak boleh jalan jalan kayak sekarang. nah kalo sekarang sih aku buang hajat di lapangan, di kebon orang, malah kadang kadang aku suka eek di tanah halaman tetangga eheheh tapi ngga ketauan kok sama tetanggaku soalnya kan aku tutup poop nya... (tapi tetep aja boy kamu malu-maluin kakak -____-")

hmm... urusan teritorial udah, pacaran udah, makan, minum, buang hajat juga udah hmm apalagi ya? oh iya! urusan tidur siang sekaligus bermanja-manja sama si kakak *love*. seperti yang kalian mungkin pernah pelajari tentang kucing, aku adalah hewan nokturnal (lebih aktif di malam hari) jadiii, aku banyak tidur di siang hari (kamu mah males bukannya nokturnal boy). ahir-ahir ini karena setiap malam aku jaga malam, jam tidur siangku jadi makin banyak, mulai dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 4 sore--itupun karena dibangunin kakak. paling kalo kebangun cuma karena laper sama pindah tempat, misalnya mulai jam 9 aku tidur di garasi, nah jam 11 aku pindah ke kamar mamah, ntar jam 12 bangun buat makan siang, abis makan aku tidur lagi di kamar kak aldi atau di kamar kak fany. oh iya aku punya tiga kamar tidur loh, satu di kamar mamah, dua di kamar kak aldi sama kak rama, tiga di kamar kak fany. aku suka semuanya :3

jadi, ngerti kan sekarang. urusanku banyak banget. aku gak bisa leha leha atau santai santai karena urusanku itu bertumpuk tumpuk. jadi, jangan marah ya kalo aku lebih milih keluar daripada main sama kamu :3 :3

*high paws*

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Boy Sitampan Makan Kue Pukis

ini adalah video seekor pemangsa cicak yang ternyata doyan makan kue pukis -___-

Thursday, October 07, 2010

It Was Dead Long Ago but It's All Comin Back To Me Now

I dont know if this is all about my ego or else, but it seems like I cant go through with you
It's like I'm stuck and caged and chained and cant get the hell out.
I wanna go and be without you.
But do you know, honestly, I dont.

"cos I love you, but I cant take anymore
there's a look I cant describe in your eyes
yes we could try like we tried before
but you keep on tellin me those lies"
Do You Remember - Phil Collins

I still dream of you, I still look for you.
Sometimes I think about you.
And it seems like always, like forever, I wanna be with you...

You're the one who broke my heart, tear my hopes and dreams and wishes, and put me on the cold cold wet tears every night on my bed.
You put me on the high sky, feeling your kindness and all, and then crashed me on the hot rough ground, for your unbeatable ego and your thoughts of perfection.

You, yeah, you.
You got all what it's said to be perfect.
And you never think that I'm perfect.
No, you never.


I really need to get off of you.
Although I dont want it.
That's simply because I ...

"I finished crying in the instant that you left
and I cant remember where or when or how
and I banished every memory you and I had ever made.."
It's All Comin Back To Me - Meatloaf & Marion Raven

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Suatu Kejadian Mengubah Namaku Untuk Selamanya


Aku Boy Sitampan--tadinya. sekarang namaku udah berubah jadi Boy Anggoro Sitampan. ini semua gara gara aku berantem sama kucing jantan kampung yang lewat di depan rumahku. dia emang ga salah apa apa siih~~~

awalnya aku emang ga mau berantem sama kucing siapapun, ras manapun. tapi pada suatu hari, Chiko (kucing jantan yang tinggal sama aku dan keluargaku) pulang ke rumah dengan banyak luka di sekujur badannya. terus dia cerita sama aku...

Si Chiko

Chiko (C): *jilat jilat badannya*

Boy (B): kamu kenapa sih chiko, kok banyak lukanya? kakak marah marah tuh aku sebel denger omelannya sama kamu. berisik.

C: aku kan abis bertarung, boy.

B: ngapain sih kamu bertarung segala?

C: aduh, kamu ngga tau sih. kucing jantan sejati itu harus bertarung buat nunjukin kejantanannya dan ketangguhannya. kalo kamu menang, kucing lain bakal takut sama kamu dan ngga ada yang mau lewat lewat didaerah kekuasaan kamu.

B: ooh, gitu ya?

C: iyalah. kucing betina juga jadi suka tau sama kucing jantan yang menang bertarung. kamu mau kaaan jadi rebutan para betina?

B: waah..

C: aku aja nih, sampe capek bertarung, boy. akhirnya menang juga. makanya nih sekarang aku pulang, mau makan. laper, boy. bertarung tiga hari tiga malem ngga makan. *jilat jilat badan*

B: aku juga mau deh kalo gitu bertarung. biar kakak tau kalo aku ini pejantan. enak aja aku disangka betina. eh iya Chiko, kalo mau nandain wilayah kekuasaan caranya gimana emang?

C: kamu pipisin aja. kayak gini nih *berdiri, jalan ke pohon, pipis* dijamin deh ngga ada yang berani lewat sini. kamu tandain aja wilayah kamu.

B: oh ternyata cuma dipipisin doang ya? wah gampang dong.

C: yaiyalah. kamu sih dirumah terus. jalan jalan dong kayak aku. udah ah boy. aku mau jalan lagi. aku mesti pantau wilayahku nih yang disana.

Sejak saat itu, aku jadi termotivasi pengen bertarung. aku harus bertarung dan menang di pertarungan itu. biar si Sri (kata kakak nama dia tu Srikandi Suryani, panggilannya Sri, kucing betina yang waktu itu pernah main ke rumahku) suka sama aku. aaahh Sri *love love love*

hhh, aku emang kuper sih. aku ngga kenal kucing kucing yang ada di Blok A2 dan B2 di lingkungan rumahku. walaupun ngga kenal tapi mereka semua kayaknya ramah. ngga ada satupun dari mereka yang congkak, ngeselin, sombong, atau sok kuat. aku jadi bingung mau ngajak bertarung yang mana. tapi dengan niat kemenangan bertarung, akhirnya aku ajakin aja kucing kucing jantan yang ngga bersalah itu buat bertarung. setiap mereka ngelewatin depan rumahku atau setiap mereka jalan di depan aku, aku ajakin mereka ribut.

persis kayak 2 hari yang lalu waktu aku ajakin berantem kucing jantan kampung warna kuning~~~

Boy (B): EH! NGAPAIN LO LEWAT LEWAT DEPAN GUE?! (tentu aja buat manusia semuanya terdengar meongan kasar)

Kucing Kuning (KK): apaan sih? emang jalanan punya nenek moyang lo?


KK: iih apaan sih lo galak banget. santai aja kali meen. kenapa mesti teriak teriak sih?


KK: ih ni kucing kenapa sih? emang ga ada jalan lain tauuu kalo mau kesitu! lagian kenapa sih? gue lewat lewat jalan yang lain juga biasa aja. *sniff sniff* lagian ga ada bau bau elo disini. sinting ni kucing. gue ngga salah apa apa juga.


KK: iih siapa sih yang ngajakin berantem??? *jalan pelan pelan mau kabur*

B: *ngejar* HEEEHH BERANTEM LO SINI SAMA GUE! *nomprokin si Kucing Kuning*

B dan KK: *bertarung*

lagi asik asiknya bertarung, si kakak dateng dan ngelepasin aku yang hampir menuju kemenangan. buluku banyak yang rontok, badanku sakit, dan kakiku berdarah. tapi aku seneng banget ahirnya aku bisa bertarung beneran lawan kucing jantan. hahahaha!

pulang pulang kakak ngomel panjang lebar sama aku dan bilang kalo aku bakal dihukum, ngga boleh keluar lagi kalo sore sore selama 3 hari. mama juga marah sama aku. papah juga. 2 kakakku yang jantan juga. mereka pada ngatain kalo aku ngga bisa berantem karena aku kucing anggora. ih mereka ga tau aja, pertarungan bagi kucing jantan itu sangat diperlukan. hhh, heran aku.

sejak saat itu, papah menambahkan nama "Anggoro" di tengah nama Boy dan marga Sitampan aku. katanya "kamu tuh, kucing anggora tapi kelakuan kampung. udah nama kamu ganti aja jadi Anggoro!" ya jadi deh, namaku Boy Anggoro Sitampan.

Jantan, pejantan tangguh
Itu yang ku harap ada padaku
Agar, agar diriku
Bisa melumpuhkan tingkah liarmu
Pejantan Tangguh - Sheila on 7

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fried Noodles Times Two

hello blogger! or you guys blog-reader!

oh well, you see, tonight I supposed to do something related to my Macro Economics homework but then I end up playing solitaire, putting songs on windows media player playlist, and knacking some ideas on this blog. notepad formerly actually.

"I've gone mad."

"I think I'm crazy."

those words kept on resounding in my mind. well, perhaps I just am.

seriously, I am stressed out. yesterday I finally decided to buy my favourite cigarette, Marlboro Black Menthol, after fighting with my own thoughts that I should really stop smoking. but every time I think about it, on times like these, it makes me even more eager to smoke. oh well, something just successfully done something to me. I finally spend my money on it, a lighter, and a shaver.

that evening I smoke more than usual on times when I'm "normal". I was once hated people who are smoking by the way, but now I am. how ironic. oh, oh, it's been a "senjata makan tuan" for me. does anybody knoooowwsss exactly what "senjata makan tuan" is on English? I've been so curious with this idiom.

and on that late evening, about 8 o'clock, I made a delicious Mie Sedap fried noodles. and, at the same time, I ordered bu nur *a vendor of gorengan and yes, a vendor of delicious instant noodles to anak kosan like me* to make me a portion of fried noodles with egg and veggie. so, count it! I ate two portions of fried noodles that late evening! plus one bakwan jagung, and a small plastic of kerupuk. in addition, before I was eating those two portion of fried noodles, I already ate much much much of lanting. so yess, definitely I'm mad. that evening was all about eating. (not to mention after eating jumbo like that I smoke 3 pieces of cigar again -_-")

aaaannddd what happen tonight? O yea, I'm still mad!

today, my friend actually promised me to go to Pejaten Village in the evening, after she has passed her Ujian Berkala satu for this short semester. talking about friends and short semester by the way, I feel so sorry and disappointed about my friend. well, he thought he would take it hard or uneasy or something else that would take much of his time thinking about it or working on it that may lead to lessen his time playing games he liked best (I suppose, not really sure though) or to lessen his enjoyment of this holiday. but hei boy, what about your future? you'll be even more wasting time by playing around instead of running on this thing called "Kuliah".

No offense, if you read this. this is only a suggest. never I meant to ruin your life with these thoughts, though.

okay back again, where was it? oh yes, my friend who promised me to go to Pejaten Village. in the end, she broke it. she said she was stressful and tired after the exam. oh well, I was sad, really. that's my only opportunity to let go this irritating thoughts and feelings and the wants of smoking. so I decided to go by myself to KFC Kemang.

There, I ate a package of KFC attack (rice, fried chicken, cola), a cup of brownies sundae, and a cup of cream soup. I spent approximately two hours just sitting there and enjoying wi fi. alone. I met some of my colleagues there. one of 'em asked me, "heiii fany! ngapain lo disini sendiriaan?" and I answered "nggg... terserah gue dong hahaha"

on 7 o'clock I get to my room (homestay). without further thoughts, I went to bu nur's place and order a portion of fried noodles with egg and veggie, and this time, with more chili sauce. having finished eating, I smoke two pieces.

and now, I intended to do my Macro Economics homework but I found it boring, so I opened Notepad and wrote this all. oh well, I still have tomorrow to do the homework. what a procrastinator.

I hope I wouldn't get sick after eating much of instant noodles -____-

It's a traffic jam when you're already late
It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
A little too ironic... and yeah I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day

It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought ... it figures

Alanis Morissette - Ironic

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

#nowplaying Saigon Kick - I Love You

#nowplaying Saigon Kick - I Love You

*song started*

"I may not be the man I wanted to..
I may not be the king of wit..
I may not know the things you need to know..
I might not measure up quite yet.."

And there she sat, in the corner of her room, near the door that much seemed like an old wooden gate. She sat on the red welcome mat. Her eyes told much that she was sad.

"I may not have the grace of Fred Astaire..
I may not have the mind of Young..
I cannot buy the things you need to have.."

She took a piece of Marlboro Black Menthol she just bought from its box. Within the last 30 minutes that time, she already smoke 4 pieces. She just couldn't stop, she still wanted more.

"But something you can't forget..."

She dropped a tear, without she realized it.

"I love you..."

She cried while she was smoking.

"I love you..."

It was him on her mind. Him all over, nothing else, none else.

"Through the fires in all of hell..
Something I can't stop..
I love you..."

She inhaled a deep breath, exhaled it with a small cough. She definitely wasn't a type of smoker, but she enjoyed that seemingly.

"It may not seem that I care enough..
I may not take the time to say.."

What happen to her, by the way?

"But you can't leave me standing here alone.."

Oh, she was too bruised, too broken, almost impossible to heal her. That man she loved, oh she loved him so much, never really understand her feelings. She gave it all she had. But that man...

"Till you hear what I have to say.."

That man wasn't a type of a careful man. In fact, he didn't understand her at all. she loved him so much to die. She's been a really good friend, gave it all, but he never really care.

"I love you..."

And now, God has finelly revealed her the truth.

"Baby, I love you..."

She and he, were never meant to be, weren't born for each other, at least for now. God showed that to her just then.

"Through the fires in all of hell.."

Oh girl, he might not be the very best for you. You don't deserve a man like him. You'd sacrifice but he wouldn't.

"Something I can't stop..."

He's just not the man, girl.

"I love you..."

However big the love you had, he just can't pay it back for you.

"I love you..."

Wake up, girl! He's just not the one! Let's just finish all your work, all your struggle, all your deed for him!

"Baby, I love you..."

You're just too precious for him. God showed that just today!

"I love you..."

Noo, noo, don't cry! It's useless he won't see it, he won't understand it! Please, girl, don't take another piece of that thing again, PLEASE!

"I love you..."

Just promise yourself that you'll get up after this. You know you're strong enough...

"Baby, I love you..."

Baby, he's just not the one, God showed that just moments ago...

*song faded*

#nowplaying Pasto - Tanya Hati

you can listen this song, Saigon Kick titled I Love You, by clicking here: Saigon Kick - I Love You

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dear God (Part II)

God, the only thing I would care about is him.
the only thing I would pray about is him.
the only thing I could think about is him.

will he ever realize it, God?

oh God, the most thing I could dream of is him.
the most thing I would ask for is him.
the most thing I would believe in is him.

I've never fallen so deep like this before.

I dare to say I'll do anything for him.
I dare to say I would do anything for him.
I dare to say I can do anything for him.

for God's sake, he is my air to breath.
oxygen to my lungs.
blood to my heart.
nerve for my brain.
bones to my body.

oh God, for so long I've been keeping this feeling,
seems like I just can't take it anymore.
he shall know about this.
sooner or later.

and now I'm bruised and broken.
laying my head back down.
raising my hands and pray.

he is the one successfully done this to me.

dear God,
the only thing I could give in,
the only thing makes me giving up easily,
the only reason I'm giving up now,

is him.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Dear God

hi God! look down here! here! noo, not there, but here! take a right, right... noo that's left. to the right ah--yes, here! okay, now you see me, right? I'm a girl with the "euphoria 20". I'm not a good looking one. yes, now You've got me right.

okay, now, please sit next to me. or in front of me. or maybe everywhere around me you like. please just don't sit away from me.

okay. *deep sigh*
actually I need to tell you a story. a story about a woman who's been waiting for a man for almost 2 years long with struggle and pain. and happiness a lil bit. now, where should I start the story? ummh... okay, here......

they firstly met in the same organization. the man was nothing so impressive but the woman was so in love to him, until today. until the last of my story you're listening. until 50 more years perhaps. okay, just leave it there.

the woman wasn't so attractive too. but she was attractively so in love with the man. they had a good friendship since then. but there are reasons why they couldn't make it better, why they couldn't make it more than just a friendship.

the woman was so shy. she couldn't tell him what's been bothering her. she couldn't let her feeling out. all she did was nothing, but being the best friend for him, giving almost everything he need. she didn't text regularly, rarely made a phone call, hardly chatting, or even communicating with the "wall".

she was too ashamed. she did actually, giving the signal that she was in love with him--many times. but poor her, my dear God, he couldn't feel it. or he just didn't wanna feel it. wallahualam.

my dear God, she would do anything to him. she was so in love with him don't You notice that? I can't help it, I feel sad every time she feels sad. but I just can't tell You the details (let me just email You about the details. don't forget to text me your email okay)

now, can I make a wish my dear God? I wish You can look down to this woman, appreciate what she's gone through, help her to build her dreams, lessen her pain, hand her a loving help to make her love come true, accompany her every time she feels sad, hug her with Your warm-big-caring hug, and oh, tell the man she is in love with to notice the love she has for him. I wish they would be a great great great loving couple.

I hope You're not too busy for making my wishes true, God. because there's no other I could lay on but You.

okay, now You can leave. thanks for listening to my story, God. not that interesting but hopefully You know the meaning. and I always know You do.

Dear Allah,
Thank You ;)

Catatan Si Boy

haaaaalllooooooooooo..... :3

ini adalah kucingku.

namanya Boy Sitampan. ya ya yaaa, kalian yang pernah mampir pasti mengira kalau kucing malas nan ganteng ini adalah seekor Angora Peak Nose betina bernama Chika Laura. tidak, tidak, Boy tidak pernah operasi trans gender. dia pun bukan seekor kucing korban salah kromosom seperti yang lagi anyar diberitakan. ini semua, kesalahan pengiraan jenis kelamin pada si kucing ganteng, adalah salah gue. dan salah om gue.

om gue yang lagi sarap kesamber petir baiknya, ngasi gue seekor kucing angora peak nose berumur 3 bulan di suatu hari pada bulan April 2009. "ini cewek kak, soalnya om punya sodaranya ini di rumah. mirip juga warnanya, tapi yang om punya yang cowok. yaudah yang cewek om kasi ke kakak aja. kan kakak punya kucing yang putih itu kan *mengarah pada si chiko, pejantan tulen*? jantan kan dia?" kata om gue pas gue tanya kelamin si boy dulu.
naaaah, sejak saat itulah gue berpegang teguh pada kata kata om gue bahwa si Boy itu--dulu--adalah seekor betina.

anyway, let's just not talking about how or why or when I knew about Boy's gender truth. I will tell you some about me having a super lazy cat like Boy Sitampan.

the first and laziest thing I've ever seen in a cat is this:

get closer :

okay, this is what I've been calling "Super Lazy Cat". liat aja gayanya makan. itu si Boy makan sama leha leha tiduran dijadiin satu saking malesnya. biasanya, kalo dia udah selesai makan, itu tempat makanan digeser pake kaki depannya terus dia tidur deh. -_____-

moreover, he could spend more than 10 hours of sleeping! compared to my Raden Mas Billy, he wasn't this lazy. he was lazy, but not this lazy that he could spend more than 10 hours of sleeping nor he ate the way boy eats.

oh, by the way, Boy is now 1 year 2 months old, and he stays virgin. poor him. gue pernah coba jodohin dia dengan seekor kucing betina punya tetangga tante gue, namanya Rachel. panggilannya Acel. si Acel sengaja diinepin di rumah gue biar kenalan sama si Boy, and hopefully they would make out. eh tapi si boy malah marah marah. ngerasa rumahnya dimasukin kucing asing.

kalo ada yang punya kucing betina mau doooonnngggg, comblangin aja nih sama si boy. dijamin anaknya lucu, cantik, ganteng dan ngegemesin *dan malas* persis bapaknya!

okay, I think it's enough introducing si Boy. catch ya next post! ;)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chika : Pejantan yang Disangka Betina


gue, sebagai empu aslinya blog ini, cuma mau bikin suatu pernyataan bahwa :

Chika Laura, kucing yang selama ini gue sangka betina, BUKANLAH kucing betina, melainkan KUCING PEJANTAN.

ceritanya panjang deh, dan gue juga lagi males ceritainnya.

sekarang dia bernama Choki "Boy" Sitampan. hahaha :D

haduuh. kenapa yaa jadi males banget ngapa ngapain. makin deket dengan umur berkepala dua, tapi makin males ngapa ngapain. argh.
