Monday, January 09, 2012

Irrational Love

I know you have no idea how it feels.

When you arrived home from being away for the weekdays and then your one and only beloved cat showed up to greet you. I know, I know. I know you don't get the feeling.

I know you don't know how sad that would be.

When you knew your cat got an ill, and all you wanna do is anything to see him go back to normal and play around with you gain. Yea, I got it while you don't.

I know. I know you don't know how that would feel.

When you're all alone and things pissed you off and the only creature would accompany you and be with you while you're crying is a cat. When everybody seems so hard to understand you and then there your cat, sleeping with you just beside you. I just know you don't know.

And I know you don't know.

The feeling of taking care a cat you love so bad, washing him clean, curing him, giving him medicine, calling him by his favourite meal, buying him a special canned tuna just for him though the price way too high, sleeping with him, spoiling him... Yea, you wouldn't know about this.

And this one, I know you don't get it.

You'll be smiling seeing your cat eat a lot. Come when you call his name. Sleep happily when he's beside you and you stroke his fat round fluffy belly. And oh, oh, when he waits for you to finish your lunch and he actually hopes that you'll give him a nibble and you give it with your hand... Do you get that?

And when you lost him.

You'll cry even for the stupidest simple thing.

Don't worry, I realised, for you, I've been too and over exaggerating. But that seems normal for me. Because you don't know how that feels. Because you never had a cat. Because you never loved a cat.

Yea, I know this is way too irrational. But irrational loves me.
And I love him back.
Way too deep.

Man fails me to love. But not a cat.
Diofany Hervilita to Boy Sitampan, a cat.


Niken said...

aih.. Fotonya sweet banget fann ;)

fanyli said...

Hihi iya keenn makasi yaa :') ahirnya dia pulang loh, setelah gue galauin selama dua minggu lol