Sunday, April 01, 2012

So, What's Next?

I really should be working on my bachelor thesis instead of posting a new post. But my lecturer just shocked me this evening by saying that I should be starting to work on my thesis from chapter 4. Wha-----

dan sang dosen pembimbing membalas dengan senyuman tersipu

telah membuat mahasiswanya sport jantung...

Someone I talked to this evening even guessed, "mungkin becanda", yea, today's April Fool and I got fooled by this same person too BUT my lecturer doesn't know how to joke. Really. So when he said "...saya mau baca bab 4..." then I HAVE TO work on chapter 4. That simple. That simple.

Leave it there.
What I really want to share in this post will start from this question:

"Jadi abis lulus skripsi mau ngapain, Fan? Nikah?"


Tell ya the truth, I have been thinking about this so-what's-next question like everyday, even before I was being asked, LOL! It's just surprised me that the person-----

OK. Hmm, next... the next chapter of my life after passing this bachelor degree would be applying what I have been learning through these times on a career. A banker would be appropriate to me and which I'm seeking for a career at the bank too. I'm not going to take a long career time, by the way. It will probably 2 - 3 years of employment at the bank and then... *clear throat* get married! :D :">

Besides, it's not like I'm going to get married straight ahead after I pass the comprehensive test, though. I haven't even got boyfriend or husband-to-be. Looking for "the other half" is never that simple, buddy. Naah.

Or is it you the one who's gonna marry me? Like what you've twitted the taaruf thingy in response to my tweet? :">

"So what about your plan for a master degree?"

Umm, yea. Another person asked me another question. Actually it's not my plan--it's my mum and dad's. Well, I actually want to take a Magister Management as my last name but... maybe later. Terms and conditions applied, lol :D

So it's my long term plan. For this short term, I really want to get over with my thesis and move on from being a student into a banker. This year. Amin.

But I do really believe that what's unplanned is the best planned. Cos God planned it perfectly.

What about you, fellas? ;)


Nyovika said...

waw, jd mikirin gimana aku besok ya :/
lulus sma aja belum kepikiran mau ngapain :/

fanyli said...

let it flow, kamu masih muda banget, masih punya banyak waktu untuk begana begini hehe :D ;)

Indah Pasaribu said...

Should I read your post before asking you (our prior convrsation). i thought so.

fanyli said...

so now you know, ndah, why I retweeted poconggg's tweet about the Bab who cant be moved :/

ff said...

selesain faaann. biar cepet nikah! katanya males serumah sama bokap lo lagi. buru yee. selesain skripsi, cari jodoh. nikah.