So, yea, reviewing. Umm.. from which point should I start? Ok, from the first day in Jogja would be nice, I think.
So it was a bit early in the morning when we finally arrived in Stasiun Tugu, Jogjakarta, after 5 to 6 hours sitting in an uncomfortable train. Then a shuttle bus took us to Wisma Kagama, it's a hotel--well tell you the truth, I personally think that it's not a hotel at all, it was more like a guest house or something--in Universitas Gajah Mada, where we stayed. There, I share a room with Ingrid, she came along the way from Spain to Indonesia to join this International Week event. She is currently studying law in Esade, a university in Spain. She's a nice 22 year-old girl, I can tell. Even, well, you know, western thingy, like having a party every night or--you name it.
Anyway. It was a funny thing that I will always remember, and one that I should tell to everyone. You know how Indonesian take a bath, right? Well, in this hotel, there was actually a shower in every bathroom but wasn't working in every bathroom. So there a friend of mine from Hungary--or was it from Argentina? hmm, I couldn't recall my memory. But for sure, it was between the two of them--who confused so much about how to shower.
Kinga (or Rita) : the shower is not working in my room! I can't use this, how to take a bath?
Me: well you can actually...
Kinga (or Rita): are we going inside it to bath? (pointing at the tub)
Me: no... no, Kinga, we don't jump inside it to bath, nobody is going to be inside the tub to bath!
Kinga (or Rita): no, no. I don't know how.
Me: you can use this (pointing at the water scoop) to take the water from here (pointing at the tub) and then you bath. just simple as that.
Kinga (or Rita): no, I don't know...

Nisa (Indonesia) - Rita Barbieri (Argentina) - Kinga Jentetics (Hungary)
jadi si bule ini pengen nyebur ke dalem bak mandi, gara gara dia ga bisa mandi ala tradisional Indonesia. bule.
But fortunately for my friends overseas, the hotel staff were actually fixing the showers so then it could be used in any rooms.
And well, talking about friends overseas, I'm going to write about this Chinese girl. Well, she's a nice girl. A totally nice girl. Her name is Liu Ruiyuan or Cathy, her English name. She gave me a book mark originally from China. Unfortunately I couldn't give anything to her in return :( We got along quite good. Probably because we're Asian so we wouldn't bother for not having party every night. In fact, every day we were together, it was actually like a party for me :D And oh, she's got a nickname, by the way, it's Umbrella Girl ;)
Liu Ruiyuan (Cathy) - China
tapi ada sesuatu yang sangat lebat yang dimiliki sama anak ini yang bikin kita ngga habis pikir. begitu ya cokin cokin di kampung halamannya? selebat itu?? hmm...
Ok, leave the Chinese girl there, and I shall continue to these two Belgium Guys: Ali Nouhi and Othman Boufaied. I have to say that they're more like Arabian or Pakistan than like Belgian. These two guys are like couple. They sat together like always, going out together like more than often, and just doing things together like every time. No wonder they're nominated--and won--the Best Couple at the awarding session on the farewell night at Jimbaran.

Ali Nouhi - Othman Boufaied (Belgium)
Ok leave the guys there. From Belgium done, China done, Hungary and Argentina also done.. hmm.. let see.. Finland! Yea, Finland, before we move to the party-a-lot Spanish people. She's Anna Pekuri, from Finland, my room mate in Bali. The very first time I met her, she was a bit scary. I mean, everybody was smiling and laughing a lot at the opening ceremony but I couldn't find her smile there. And she was also complaining a lot about almost everything. And she was also not really keen on riding the train (despite the train was really uncomfortable), and I was thinking that she wouldn't enjoy the trip and NOT the one to get along with because it would probably hard for us to chit chat; but guess what, I'm missing her today! I might get nervous talking to her because she speaks English VERY fluent, I might think rude about her back then (sorry to say, Anna :p) but hell, she's like a sister to me now :)
Me - Anna Pekuri (Finland)
So now, let's talk about these 3 Spanish people. They are Ingrid (my room mate in Jogja, I've written that before), Lorena, and Oscar (the super cute guy). Their ages were 21 and 22, and are studying at Esade, the three of them. Ingrid studies law while Lorena and Oscar study business. They are Spanish, they drink a lot, party a lot, (some of them) smoke a lot, yet kind a lot. They're nice, I like friends with them. And oh, they have their own accent when they're speaking English, and I like their accent. For me, it's like listening to Javanese speaking English, but this is Spanish speaking English :p

Oscar Moncayo - Lorena Jordana Carmona - Ingrid Sague Sitjes (Spain)
And the rest of the participants are from the host country, Indonesia. They're on my previous posts actually. But Ok, here they are.
Bona Pasaribu (UnPar) - Diofany Hervilita (IBS) - Annisa Sudibyo (UB) - Ryan Wrehaspati (UI) - M. Ridwan (UnRi)
I'm longing to be in the middle of all you guys again. 11 days will never be enough, 11 days have captured a friendship, and 11 days will always glued in my mind.
Indonesia International Week 2011.
Gue baca post ini jujur ngiri banget :)
Gue bangga ada IBS diantara 5 nama Indonesia :)
Cerita dong kenapa lu bisa ikutan ??
yea I really do think this activity kinda envying people. if someone else post stuff about this too, while I'm not, I'd get envy too :)
awalnya gue tau ini dari temen gue, FIKOM UI. lalu gue liat web nya dan tertarik untuk ikutan. biayanya waktu itu standar sih menurut gue, 2,5 juta untuk 3 tempat acara: Jakarta, Jogja dan Bali. nah, setelah apply, gue bikin essay sebagai syarat ikutan. essay gue lolos, terus gue bayar deh administrasinya. ikutan deh acaranya :D
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