Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Making IT, Never Been Easy as Scrambling an Egg

For some theories of making decisions I've learnt, there are steps must go through before somebody finally make a decision. And for all I can recall, the steps are:
  1. Analyzing Problems. This means somebody is in the middle of a problematic situation, because a deviation of its standard, and seeking for the right MPC (Most Probable Causes) is extremely needed.
  2. Analyzing Decisions. In this step, the MPC is already known. Then, one has to analyze the right decision to take. The decision itself has to be efficient and effective.
  3. Analyzing Implementation. This is the last step, and it's done after one has the decision decided. In this step, one has to really consider both the benefit and the risk of the decision taken; and one has to really run the decision made.
Teknik Pengambilan Keputusan Class
Ir. Abdussalam, MM, Indonesia Banking School

And now, what is that theory above related to this post? Frankly, been trying to connect any theory I've learnt at the uni for each blog post :p

Well, as a future miss Manager who will take many critical decisions for the company, I am currently learning to take brilliant decisions for myself my future with also considering the benefit and the risk.


Which also, if you'd like to read re-phrased:
I drop my proud to be a student who pass the uni for only three and a half year.
I drop my parents' proud for having their daughter pass the uni for less than four years study.

Believe me, this wasn't an easy decision to make at all.

Anyway. Let's speak Indonesia.
Kebandelan gue pada semester 4 bukan jadi alasan untuk gue ngga ikut skripsi. Soal dua mata kuliah gue yang masih D dan E itu bisa gue perbaiki dengan ambil kelas ekstensi di semester ini. Lalu, semester 8 gue bebas dan bener bener bebas--seandainya gue bener ambil. Biaya untuk bayar skripsi juga bukan alasannya. Bukan juga perlengkapan pendukung skripsi seperti laptop atau apapun, gue udah punya, Alhamdulillah.

"gw penasaran kenapa lw tunda skripsi lw?"
*deep inhale, smooth exhale*
Apakah itu sudah menjawab pertanyaan lo--helaan napas gue? Belum? Oke. Ini mungkin kedengarannya payah. Bahkan sangat payah. Hanya karena gue kehilangan ambisi dan ngga punya penyemangat.

"Tapi lo kan punya gue...."
Gue tau, gue punya sahabat yang baik dan pengertiannya naujubillah macem lo. Tapi gue juga tau, ada batasan bahwa ngga selamanya sahabat itu bakal ada untuk sahabatnya. Hey, ada si "abang" yang butuh lo perhatiin juga kan? ;)

"Untuk memulai memang susah, Fan, tapi saat udah dijalanin, Kakak yakin kamu mampu."
Untuk kali ini, Kak, aku sendiri ga yakin aku bisa.

"Payah! Payah!! Masa nyerah sebelum perang???"
Gue ngga nyerah! Gue cuma belom siap. Hahaha semoga itu berarti beda buat lo, sob, nyerah dan belom siap.

"Skripsi aja, Fan, kalo gagal tinggal SP."
Heh, sengkle lo! Mana ada skripsi di SP??
"Lo harusnya ngerti makna bahasa gue. Skripsi itu mudah."
Iya tapi menjadi susah ketika lo ga semangat untuk ngerjainnya.

"Kesempatan emas loh untuk lulus cepet, dan lulus 3,5 tahun itu ada value nya sendiri."
Ya, tapi...

Mungkin memutuskan untuk segera skripsi atau tidak bagi mahasiswa tingkat akhir seperti gue itu seperti memutuskan bagi yang berkepentingan untuk segera menikah atau tidak. We both really need to consider the risk and the benefit. It's not a short term plan--no. And when we decide, we decide for our future. Our very own future.

Ibel, Mahesa, semoga terus disemangati yaa sama penyemangat pribadi kalian! Ahiw.
Indah, semoga ambisi lo tetap berkobar yaa!

Jadi dengan ini,
selamat berjumpa skripsi, di semester lapan! :D

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