she found her Billy at the first time when he was lying on the street, licking thru his black-white-brown fur. she was so damn attracted to Billy ever since, who was named "Empus" before her dad finally gave the name "Billy"

Raden Mas Billy Setya Menanti was named after his blue-blood (hueheheee) alias darah birunya yang keturunan kucing anggora. Setya Menanti diberi karena dia sangat setia menanti majikannya, apalagi kalo dia ada maunya. yaitu makan friskies.
buntutnya Billy panjang, sepanjang 28 cm--she measured it couple times--dan ujungnya berwarna putih. kalo lagi mati lampu, buntutnya Billy yang panjang dan ujungnya berwarna putih ini sangat cocok jadi penunjuk jalan. Billy bukan kucing kampung biasa, dia keturunan angora. bulunya lebih tebel daripada kucing kampung biasa. karena itulah Billy diberi gelar Raden Mas. hahaa.

liat deh buntutnya, ujungnya putih kaaannn

he LOVED to sleep this style.

and as time goes by, now she lost her lovely Billy. she was unsure that Billy was lost--kucing punya kelakuan aneh, yaitu kabur beberapa hari buat kawin--but then after a month, she finally did.
does God really know that she cares to her Billy so much?
she remember back then, when she was crying alone at one cold night, nobody was there. but Billy was there. She didnt expect much of what a cat can do to calm her down. but guess what, Billy naik ke pangkuannya, melihat ke matanya yang berlinang seakan dia bicara, "udaah kak, jangan nangis lagi. disini ada Billy".
even if a cat does not talk, he waits there like he talks...
she also remember when she was so lonely, or when she desperately needed a friend to talk, or even when she was afraid of something that wasn't really there, her beloved Billy was there for her. no other, just Billy.
if God does know that she cares so much to her Billy, why would God separate them away?
suatu malam, ketika dia keluar buat beli ketoprak buat si babe, she met Billy on the way to the vendor.
she : Billy... puss...
dan Billy mengekor dibelakangnya~
kalo dia mandi, Billy selalu nungguin dia selesai mandi. Billy selalu tiduran di keset depan kamar mandi dimana tuannya, majikannya, kakaknya mandi. Billy would do that, no matter how long his master would take time just to bathe.
God, do You know that Billy means a lot to her?
chemistry that happened between she and her Billy was extraordinary. mungkin kalian yang baca tulisan lebay ini gak percaya, but when she made Billy promise to her about something, Billy pasti dateng memenuhi janjinya.
aah.. Billy Billy... if you were a boy, she would date you and never break up with you.
apparently, she realised now, why in the world she is so in love with Billy. her heart broke to much, and she just needed a friend that always there. and that she gave up in love. she got it all in a cat. she thought that a cat would never broke her heart..
she is insane. she is out of her mind. but that is what she felt. she found her love, her life, and her always-there bestfriend all in a cat.
ketika dia tidur, yang dipeluknya cuma Billy. ketika dia pergi, yang diingatnya cuma Billy. ketika dia butuh teman, yang ada cuma Billy.
and now that Billy is gone away.
she cried.

to my beloved Billy:
you are my love when i need one.
you are my life when im down.
you are my bestfriend when im so alone.
you are always special to me.
cos you are special.
goodbye Billy,
my superCat...
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