Here it goes.
It all started when I was officially hired by an educational institution: Wall Street Institute -- which has already changed its name into Wall Street English -- as a Personal Tutor (PT). It is a school of English, and yes, as my job title was Personal Tutor, so I taught students starting from high school teens up to adults. I met unstable, moody kind of teens; charming uni student of Industrial Engineering (uuu~ I was so mesmerized by this person hehe); busy managers of well-known companies; one rempong housewife; and grandpas who always came with their grandchildren.
It was fun, and teaching was one of my favourite thing to do. Being a PT had marked one thing on my check list. I had a dream back then when I was so young, to be a teacher. I have been, then. It was a great one.
And talking about my PT fellas, there were Arien (married recently. When's mine? Duh), Ephil (who lived in Mexico for certain years and now works in Mexican Embassy), Oso (was -- or is still? hmm -- an artist of duo 'Duette'), Azis, Cenmi (whose full name is Cenmidtal, an abbreviation of Central Middlesex Hospital, a hospital in England where he was born), Dini (a cafe singer. Published her first indie album last year), and Tiffany (now still a PT for Alam Sutera branch). There were also ECs or Educational Consultants that I friends with, and of course the bule. Hehe.

Dean Rogers - Me - Tessa Frenche

Haifa - Arien - Me - David Rhys - Tanti - Azis on WSI Award Night
I was nominated as Favourite PT :'>

Great karaoke time together

Oso's birthday blast

After Christmas Celebration Night
Cos my job's got me goin nowhere so I aint got a thing to lose~Take me to a place where I don't careThis is me and my liquor store blues~Bruno Mars - Liquor Store Blues
Knowing that I had much fun there being a PT, but there was this goal that I pursued so much: be a banker. Yup, I was really longing to be a banker. I resigned on February 2013, went to Yogya, visiting you-know-who for a month, got back to Bekasi on April and applied in Coca Cola Amatil Indonesia as Employee Settlement Officer, Finance Department.
There in CCAI was more serious than one I had in Wall Street Institute as my very first jumping stone. Both my director and manager were Australian bule, tho my supervisor was Indonesian. I was still urged to use English both when I talk directly or when I write emails to the bule. However, I found an interest in CCAI since I was paid big enough and its working culture was clicked to mine. Very free, yet still discipline. Everything was scored by performance. People there wouldn't mind how you dress or what make ups you're wearing. Or even what time would you get in the office and checked out as long as you have finished daily tasks. What they mind mostly was your highly accepted performance. That, I agreed.
CCAI has brought me to these people. Most of them are 2-3 years older than me and they shared mostly about their husband and other housewifery thingy. Just like my big sisters, that was what they meant to me.
Just a moment to capture
Then I moved on from CCAI to where I work now. It's a bank, a government bank. Even -- frankly speaking -- CCAI changed the way I have always wanted to be a banker, but I had wanted it so much, and then I got the chance. That was when I joined BUMN Career Days, dropped cv reluctantly and attended the first interview held there, somehow brought me to what I am now. An ODP Batch 121 member who is undergoing my In Service Training as a Relationship Manager -- which I avoid so much!!! But I guess it's true that when you avoid something so much somehow you'll be dragged into that something you hate -- in SKC Melawai Raya.
Tell ya, being in ODP 121 family was is great. Ups and downs, laughter and cries, friends or lover, and everything all in. Can't describe much about this special thing, can only feel it with the heart. Heheh.
They're now spread out in Indonesia. One Padang, Batam, Jambi, Medan, Palembang, Lampung, ten people (including me) are in Jakarta, another one in Kupang, Samarinda, and Pare Pare. I'm sure we'll see again sooner than soon!
(hayooo... been waiting for the photos with your face in it yaaaa hahahaha :p)

Along with Pak Raswan, our homeroom
With Bu Selvy Monalisa, a lecturer in UI with her uniqueness
Grup Akar Wangi
Yogyakarta all-in-a-day trip goers
Mendadak shopping
Dim Sum freaks, haha
Thank you for your every effort to deal with all I am.
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