hi God! look down here! here! noo, not there, but here! take a right, right... noo that's left. to the right ah--yes, here! okay, now you see me, right? I'm a girl with the "euphoria 20". I'm not a good looking one. yes, now You've got me right.
okay, now, please sit next to me. or in front of me. or maybe everywhere around me you like. please just don't sit away from me.
okay. *deep sigh*
actually I need to tell you a story. a story about a woman who's been waiting for a man for almost 2 years long with struggle and pain. and happiness a lil bit. now, where should I start the story? ummh... okay, here......
they firstly met in the same organization. the man was nothing so impressive but the woman was so in love to him, until today. until the last of my story you're listening. until 50 more years perhaps. okay, just leave it there.
the woman wasn't so attractive too. but she was attractively so in love with the man. they had a good friendship since then. but there are reasons why they couldn't make it better, why they couldn't make it more than just a friendship.
the woman was so shy. she couldn't tell him what's been bothering her. she couldn't let her feeling out. all she did was nothing, but being the best friend for him, giving almost everything he need. she didn't text regularly, rarely made a phone call, hardly chatting, or even communicating with the "wall".
she was too ashamed. she did actually, giving the signal that she was in love with him--many times. but poor her, my dear God, he couldn't feel it. or he just didn't wanna feel it. wallahualam.
my dear God, she would do anything to him. she was so in love with him don't You notice that? I can't help it, I feel sad every time she feels sad. but I just can't tell You the details (let me just email You about the details. don't forget to text me your email okay)
now, can I make a wish my dear God? I wish You can look down to this woman, appreciate what she's gone through, help her to build her dreams, lessen her pain, hand her a loving help to make her love come true, accompany her every time she feels sad, hug her with Your warm-big-caring hug, and oh, tell the man she is in love with to notice the love she has for him. I wish they would be a great great great loving couple.
I hope You're not too busy for making my wishes true, God. because there's no other I could lay on but You.
okay, now You can leave. thanks for listening to my story, God. not that interesting but hopefully You know the meaning. and I always know You do.
Dear Allah,
Thank You ;)
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Catatan Si Boy
haaaaalllooooooooooo..... :3
ini adalah kucingku.

namanya Boy Sitampan. ya ya yaaa, kalian yang pernah mampir pasti mengira kalau kucing malas nan ganteng ini adalah seekor Angora Peak Nose betina bernama Chika Laura. tidak, tidak, Boy tidak pernah operasi trans gender. dia pun bukan seekor kucing korban salah kromosom seperti yang lagi anyar diberitakan. ini semua, kesalahan pengiraan jenis kelamin pada si kucing ganteng, adalah salah gue. dan salah om gue.
om gue yang lagi sarap kesamber petir baiknya, ngasi gue seekor kucing angora peak nose berumur 3 bulan di suatu hari pada bulan April 2009. "ini cewek kak, soalnya om punya sodaranya ini di rumah. mirip juga warnanya, tapi yang om punya yang cowok. yaudah yang cewek om kasi ke kakak aja. kan kakak punya kucing yang putih itu kan *mengarah pada si chiko, pejantan tulen*? jantan kan dia?" kata om gue pas gue tanya kelamin si boy dulu.
naaaah, sejak saat itulah gue berpegang teguh pada kata kata om gue bahwa si Boy itu--dulu--adalah seekor betina.
anyway, let's just not talking about how or why or when I knew about Boy's gender truth. I will tell you some about me having a super lazy cat like Boy Sitampan.
the first and laziest thing I've ever seen in a cat is this:

get closer :

okay, this is what I've been calling "Super Lazy Cat". liat aja gayanya makan. itu si Boy makan sama leha leha tiduran dijadiin satu saking malesnya. biasanya, kalo dia udah selesai makan, itu tempat makanan digeser pake kaki depannya terus dia tidur deh. -_____-
moreover, he could spend more than 10 hours of sleeping! compared to my Raden Mas Billy, he wasn't this lazy. he was lazy, but not this lazy that he could spend more than 10 hours of sleeping nor he ate the way boy eats.
oh, by the way, Boy is now 1 year 2 months old, and he stays virgin. poor him. gue pernah coba jodohin dia dengan seekor kucing betina punya tetangga tante gue, namanya Rachel. panggilannya Acel. si Acel sengaja diinepin di rumah gue biar kenalan sama si Boy, and hopefully they would make out. eh tapi si boy malah marah marah. ngerasa rumahnya dimasukin kucing asing.
kalo ada yang punya kucing betina mau doooonnngggg, comblangin aja nih sama si boy. dijamin anaknya lucu, cantik, ganteng dan ngegemesin *dan malas* persis bapaknya!
okay, I think it's enough introducing si Boy. catch ya next post! ;)
ini adalah kucingku.

namanya Boy Sitampan. ya ya yaaa, kalian yang pernah mampir pasti mengira kalau kucing malas nan ganteng ini adalah seekor Angora Peak Nose betina bernama Chika Laura. tidak, tidak, Boy tidak pernah operasi trans gender. dia pun bukan seekor kucing korban salah kromosom seperti yang lagi anyar diberitakan. ini semua, kesalahan pengiraan jenis kelamin pada si kucing ganteng, adalah salah gue. dan salah om gue.
om gue yang lagi sarap kesamber petir baiknya, ngasi gue seekor kucing angora peak nose berumur 3 bulan di suatu hari pada bulan April 2009. "ini cewek kak, soalnya om punya sodaranya ini di rumah. mirip juga warnanya, tapi yang om punya yang cowok. yaudah yang cewek om kasi ke kakak aja. kan kakak punya kucing yang putih itu kan *mengarah pada si chiko, pejantan tulen*? jantan kan dia?" kata om gue pas gue tanya kelamin si boy dulu.
naaaah, sejak saat itulah gue berpegang teguh pada kata kata om gue bahwa si Boy itu--dulu--adalah seekor betina.
anyway, let's just not talking about how or why or when I knew about Boy's gender truth. I will tell you some about me having a super lazy cat like Boy Sitampan.
the first and laziest thing I've ever seen in a cat is this:

get closer :

okay, this is what I've been calling "Super Lazy Cat". liat aja gayanya makan. itu si Boy makan sama leha leha tiduran dijadiin satu saking malesnya. biasanya, kalo dia udah selesai makan, itu tempat makanan digeser pake kaki depannya terus dia tidur deh. -_____-
moreover, he could spend more than 10 hours of sleeping! compared to my Raden Mas Billy, he wasn't this lazy. he was lazy, but not this lazy that he could spend more than 10 hours of sleeping nor he ate the way boy eats.
oh, by the way, Boy is now 1 year 2 months old, and he stays virgin. poor him. gue pernah coba jodohin dia dengan seekor kucing betina punya tetangga tante gue, namanya Rachel. panggilannya Acel. si Acel sengaja diinepin di rumah gue biar kenalan sama si Boy, and hopefully they would make out. eh tapi si boy malah marah marah. ngerasa rumahnya dimasukin kucing asing.
kalo ada yang punya kucing betina mau doooonnngggg, comblangin aja nih sama si boy. dijamin anaknya lucu, cantik, ganteng dan ngegemesin *dan malas* persis bapaknya!
okay, I think it's enough introducing si Boy. catch ya next post! ;)
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