Sunday, May 20, 2012

eF Team!

Pada suatu malam yang agak sedikit menggalaukan....

"Lu kurusan fan"
"Hahahaha gantian muji nih ceritanya -_- kagak itu cuma gara gara kameranya kasian sama gue gagal diet mulu"
"Ckckck don't be like that"

...gue dapet suatu compliment yang mengharukan dari sobi gue, Fajar Nuralam, karena gue men-display foto ini di BBM:

mata gue sember, ga tahan kena flash dari kamera -___-

Gue dan Fajar udah berteman dekat dan bersahabat dari mulai SMP. So technically, he knows me how I look ever since I was junior high. And so do I. I know how he has evolved from a kiddo who liked to draw Bakabon and was named 'Papa Bakabon', into an adult guy who now draw, design, and get paid! Woohooo isn't my mas bro so cool??

Couple days before I had this compliment, I made a compliment to him for this picture he displayed once on his BBM Display Picture:

I told him that he had his diet successfully worked out. And he was like "itu mah gara gara gue lembur mulu. makanya turun beberapa kilo"

Ehem. Gara gara lembur apa gara-gara sakit hati sih, mas bro? Eaaa.

And yes, talking about sakit hati, gue jadi inget waktu gue sama si Fajar lagi ngenes-ngenesnya sakit hati. Curhat-curhatanlah kita semalem suntuk, sedih-sedihan bareng, sama-sama saling kasih support dan puk-puk, bergalau-galau ria di malam hari, sampe main gombal-gombalan (yang tentunya dimenangkan oleh GUE si Nyai Gombal HAHAHAHAHA) saking kita ga punya orang yang bisa digombalin.

But frankly speaking, Jar, you look awesome even before you have your diet through. I mean, come on, man! Look at you! Even the mirror likes you--how come the girls not? They wouldn't have the reason why they don't like you.

Oh anyway, do you remember this book:

Double eF Team. Back then on Junior High we used to like reading this book a lot. Well I guess Double eF Team now stands for our names. Hihiiww!

And why would on earth I type a post about my best buddy?

"Masukin blog asik tuh"
"Tentang gue yang kurusan? Hmm... gue tulis tentang lo yang kurusan juga yak hahaha"
"Boleee *dance emoticon* biar laku"
"Hahahaha demen ni anak"

I hope I'll be seeing me on your blog as well, bro. LOL!

The world comes to life and everything's bright
From beginning to end

When you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are when you open your heart

And believe in the gift of a friend
Demi Lovato - Gift of a Friend

Mau liat si Fajar foto a la Bruno Mars? Cekidot dimari gan, cari muka yang paling ganteng deh hahahaha: Overwhelmed of Happiness from These Heroes :')


Chairiah Journal said...

ealah, beneran dimasukin blog :D
Kenapa mesti ada lirik Demi Lovato yah ? Itu membuat saya galau pemirsa, hahaha ...

fanyli said...

liriknya kan tentang persahabatan bro, bikin galau dari mana -____-