Celoteh Kucing Betina had already been the address and the title of my blog that stayed for two years long! WOW! Bravo!
Many of friends have recognized my blog as celotehkucingbetina.blogspot.com but today, April 20, 2012, this blog has changed. But you can still find the posts from the very first this blog was started.



I love writing. I've been doing this activity ever since I was an Elementary School kid. I first started to like writing after I remake somebody's story--kind of a tale--with the same names, same characters, same place, but only different story. It happened when I was in the 3rd grade of school. From then on, I find myself comfort, very comfort indeed, when I'm writing.

Having the story finished successfully, I remember I asked my teacher to read that, and he said I was good at it, has made an enormous support for me to write again. I, then, continued writing a story about friendship (what else a 3rd grade kid could have besides friendship? and probably a little of puppy-love. well, seemed like Amigos X Siempre--a Mexican opera--had really got in to me). As far I can remember, the title was Petualangan 9 Sahabat, lol, pretty much like a kiddo, wasn't it?

Done the Petulangan 9 Sahabat, which I ask my friends too to read that (they said they liked it, it was a good story), I continued to like another kind of writings. Poem. I like poem. I made poem. Though not the best one, but I keep on writing poems. Actually, this writing stories and poems activity has already been in my blood. My cousin sister made great poems--the greatest poem indeed. When I was in Junior High, I made 2 books of poem. It was a very puppy-love poems as you could imagine, lol, and a little of too-early-heart-breaks. I had a fan back then. He was Poetra, a very friend of mine. He liked poem, and I guess he still does. Hahaha, can't help myself giggling about this. I'm blushing by now :p

I also still wrote stories. I called that as novels. But really, I DID make novels and some short stories that time. Mmh, let's see if I could recall my memories, "Haunted School" was my very first short stories I (tried to) make in English when I was 7th grade; and... and... umm... I forget the title but I remember clearly that I wrote another short story and it was obviously influenced by Harry Potter the movie; and some other writings I made (which I barely even remember the title, and oh, even I forget now where the hell I put all those writings).

The two most published novels by me was Teach Me how to Love--a love story novel I made when I was 9th grade, read by my school friends and some of them became a very fan of my novel. They said it was great, romantic, touchy, yet sad ending story. Not every story has a happy ending, do they? And the other most published novel was Panggil Aku Nessi (I'm not sure whether this the true title. If only I ever could remember very clearly about this). This was also read by me school mates and done when I was 11th grade.

Well well, that is how I'm so passionate about writing. I already started it since I was very young. I am still young by now, by the way, lol. And if you hit the very bottom of this blog, and also in my celotehkucingbetina.tumblr.com bio, you'll find "write in passion and have passion to write". That's gonna be my tagline, :D

I might not write everything in proper way--I write everything as I want it. I might not write articles, perhaps I wont write articles because I think writing articles need skill and I only skilled by my own thoughts. I might not write the best novels and short stories and publish them to the reputable publisher, however I would still love writing them. I might be so poor in English unlike everybody else, well I'm still a learner. I might not make a very beautiful poem, nevertheless, I'd try again. I might be so lame at arranging words and picking impolite words, but believe me, I tried. And back again, I write everything as I want it. It's my passion, I'll go with mine.

Then what about you? What's your passion? ;)

"In the end, menulis adalah menjawab kegelisahan. Melawan kekosongan. Sebuah petualangan ide, permainan konsep, penataan kata. -Raditya Dika

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