Friday, March 30, 2012

Demo Demo Demo

Indonesia is currently on fire again. I mean, not that fiery fire, but still. Even stuff like that brought some heat to my timeline since yesterday night and that I couldn't help myself to comment on stuff being issued and talked about.

So here's the thing. I'm going to write type this in Bahasa if you don't mind?

Jadi, sedang ada demo besar-besaran dan cenderung anarkis di Indonesia. Beberapa kota seperti Jakarta dan Makassar adalah yang paling sering gue denger berita dan kehebohannya. Demo tentang apa? Tentang harga BBM (Bahan Bakar Minyak) yang (diisukan) naik per tanggal 1 April 2012.

But hey. What the big thing is about?

Mahasiswa (atau pihak manapun yang ikut berdemo) merasa sangat peduli terhadap nasib rakyat kecil yang akan menanggung beban hidup yang lebih besar dari yang sebelumnya akibat kenaikan BBM. Dan mereka juga menuntut adanya perubahan...yang sampe detik ini masih abu-abu, perubahan apa yang sebenarnya mereka inginkan? Perubahan sistem pemerintahan? Perubahan gaya hidup? Atau perubahan dari ketenangan menjadi kericuhan di jalan? Hmm...

Well, I learnt economics like ever since I was in Junior High and get specified in Senior High and get even more specified in Indonesia Banking School, my university-like now. And by this, I know, even just a little bit, about what happened beyond the rising price of Bahan Bakar Minyak, from the point of view of economy.

Jadi, naiknya bahan bakar minyak itu diakibatkan adanya scarcity atau kelangkaan crude oil (minyak mentah). Tau dong minyak itu sifatnya apa? Yap, unrenewable resources, which means, this kind of resources really take quite a very long time to renew itself and cannot be renewed in a short term. Jadi, dengan pemakaian yang banyak sedangkan sumber daya yang terbatas ini, minyak akan habis, dan di situasi inilah terjadi kelangkaan, seperti yang sedang terjadi sekarang.

Kelangkaan, akan membuat Q (Quantity-Kuantitas-Jumlah) minyak yang diproduksi semakin menipis. Nah, hukum ekonominya nih ya, kalo barang yang diproduksi itu langka atau sedikit tapi permintaannya tetap (atau bahkan lebih banyak), maka P (Price-Harga) akan naik. Naaahhh sob, inilah sob yang sedang in di Indonesia.

So how about the inferior group of people you said?

Hey, I haven't explained much yet, buddy.
So, in response to the rising price of bahan bakar minyak in Indonesia, memang, semua harga barang akan naik. Harga barang yang cenderung naik ini mengindikasikan bakal ada inflasi dong, bener doooonngg? Nah, akan ada justifikasi ekonomi nantinya, dimana pendapatan atau gaji akan ikut dinaikkan, dan voila...bakal sama aja nantinya, sesudah atau sebelum harga bbm naik. Maunya sih jelasin teori lengkapnya, tapi kebetulan lagi lupa ini teorinya siapa hehe.

Lagipula, apasih yang diharapin dari demo? Setelah demo yang capek capek itu, infrastruktur yang dirusak bakal diganti. Digantinya pake APBN. APBN itu asalnya dari duit rakyat yang diambil dari pajak. Pajak dibayarin sama orangtua para mahasiswa yang ikutan demo. So? Not worth it.

Dan setelah demo juga bakal ada krisis. Krisis politik, yang paling utama. Ya kalo politik kita masih ngga stabil kayak gini, mana ada investor asing yang mau menanamkan uangnya ke Indonesia? Kalo I (Investment) turun, terutama Foreign Direct Investment yang turun, perusahaan bisa kekurangan modal untuk melangsungkan produksinya. Produksi turun, pendapatan produsen bisa turun juga karena ngga ada dana untuk produksi. Yah, kalo udah bawa bawa pendapatan yang turun, ngerti lah yaa maksud gue gimana.

Dan, oia, terkait dengan dunia perbankan. Masalah kredit. Penyaluran kredit itu bisa jadi indikator kenaikan GDP loh. Dan itu adalah aset bank yang terbesar yang bisa mendatangkan keuntungan buat bank. Coba inget tahun 98-99 dulu deh. Setelah demo kan ada krisis moneter, di jaman itu ada fenomena credit crunch loh *ngomongin skripsi sendiri. uhuk*. Fenomena dimana bank ngga mau menyalurkan kreditnya karena...macem-macem. Salah satunya ya karena politik yang belum stabil dan bank ngga mau ambil pusing terhadap risiko psikologi rakyat yang masih labil.

Kalo kredit ngga mau disalurin sama bank, gimana coba para pelaku SME (Small Medium Enterprise-UMKM-Usaha Menengah Kecil Mikro) modalin usahanya? Padahal yang lo tau sendiri kan, pelaku SME inilah salah satu yang bikin Indonesia ga terpengaruh krisis Eropa.


Menurut gue, ngga perlu capek-capek demo. Kalo memang kita pintar, cerdas dan berbudaya, coba pake inisiatif dong. Demo kan bikin rakyat kecil yang hidup di jalan keteteran juga, kan. Jadi apa yang sebenernya mereka bela, kalo mereka juga nakutin orang-orang yang hidup di jalan dengan aksi demonya.

Kalo inisiatif dan saran dari gue sih ya, coba dong mahasiswa bikin bahan bakar baru yang bisa menggantikan minyak yang sekarang mulai abis. Dari apa kek, batok kelapa kek diubah jadi bahan bakar. Atau dari minyak jelantah kek. Atau dari apa kek. Gue sih ngga bisa bikinnya ya, cuma sekedar kasih saran aja hehe. Tapi gue bisa bantu pasarin produknya loh, secara gue juga belajar ilmu marketing juga kan ;) Atau gue bisa bantu me-manage keuangan cikal bakal perusahaan bahan bakar baru pengganti minyak ;) ;)

Oh! Oh! Atau, belajar yang bener, yang pinter, dan dedikasikan ilmunya buat Indonesia. sukur sukur Indonesia punya sumber daya manusia yang cerdas, jadi bisa mengelola SDA nya sendiri tanpa ada campur tangan dari pihak asing, seperti yang sudah-sudah.

Damai loh ya, gue menulis di blog ini cuma untuk mengeluarkan aspirasi aja. Seperti yg udah gue twit juga di twitter gue @fanyhervilita hehe :p Kalo ngga suka, ya gapapa. Kan mereka bilang ini negara demokrasi, dimana siapa aja bebas berpendapat. Jadi, ini looh pendapat gue :)


Beberapa twit gue tentang demo, harga bbm naik, dan pandangannya dari sisi ekonomi :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

MUN for the Future Bankers


So here I am again! End up putting some ideas out to this blog while I actually got another necessary thing to do like, perhaps, wrapping up my bachelor thesis. Duh.

Forget about it for a while.

Hey! Ya ya, forget about me! You've been forgotten about me like the whole in a while time, buddy!
Regards, Your Thesis.

Anyway. I got this job being a Campus Coordinator of Jakarta Model United Nations 2012 for my institution, Indonesia Banking School.

Basically, what I'm doing is to market this international event to my colleagues and reap as much participants as I could. But honestly, what people said and what I have heard all this time turn up correct: theories would never 100% applied practically. I've done this and that, spoken here and there but really, to market MUN to all my future-banker fellas is not an easy stuff.

First, Indonesia Banking School is not a university. It only consists of small numbers of students compared to other uni. IBS, as its name, is a banking school (economics), with only two study focuses: Management and Accounting. IBS accepts only approximately 150-200 students per year, very often below 150 accepted students but never over 200 accepted students per year. And this small number, ugh, frankly speaking, only a small number of students too who really open their mind to try something really new out of economics.

Secondly, IBS is soooooo banking! Workshops, seminars, internships, blalala is always about banking and other financial services. If it's not about banking, then it's about marketing. And if it's not about both, then it's about auditing.

In my case right now, JMUN is a veeeerrrrryyyyy new stuff for my colleagues. Whenever I ask them to join this event, they like "ini apaan fan?" or "JMUN apaan sih kak?" or "ngaruh ke nilai?" or simply "oh". Phew, really need an extra energy.

So here's my extra energy given, now I already have some colleagues who really are interested to join JMUN and experience something new. After this mid test, these two weeks, they'll be applying for JMUN officially and welcoming themselves to try something out of the box. Wait for another future-bankers to apply, hey committee! ;)

Here is briefly about JMUN from its site:

Jakarta Model United Nations (JMUN) is the first-ever international Model United Nations (MUN) in Indonesia which was held by ISAFIS (Indonesian Students Association for International Studies) in 2011. MUN is a simulation of United Nations conference that is often held abroad and attracts local and foreigner students world wide.

JMUN offers a unique opportunity to experience the challenges of international negotiation and diplomacy. The participants (hereinafter referred as delegates), will play a role as the representative of member counties of United Nations. Throughout the conference, delegates will gain insight into the workings of the United Nations by actively participating in the resolution of important global issues.

This year, under the theme “Creating Sustainable Development through Young Generations’ Action”, there will be more than 200 delegates worldwide who will be positioned into four committees in JMUN 2012. They are: United Nations-General Assembly (UN-GA), United Nations-Security Council (UN-SC), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Special Agency (European Union/EU). The delegates will discuss a certain problem regarding the topic of their committee and respond to the problem according to the stance and views of the country they represent.

More info, click or follow twitter @jakartamun

Dare Trying? Apply!

Why wait? DO IT NOW!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Biar Saja

Biar saja.
Biar saja aku merindu.
Tanpa kamu tau.
Biar saja.
Sampai entah kapan.
Sampai rindu itu hilang.
Sampai aku tak sadar kalau aku pernah merindu.
Biar saja.
Biar saja.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friendship Essence

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'cause that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah

Bruno Mars - Count On Me

"you gotta meet the wrong friends in order to know who are right."

couldn't agree more. have been meeting kinds of friends, but these two ladies are the best of all. we had great times together, and even the saddest moment faced together.

one falls, the others too.
one raises up, the others happy too.

it's you, girls, whom I can count on.

it's us.

Making crazy singing videos of the three of us...
Singing loudly out of the notes...
Laughing out loud to anything only us understand...
Making fool of ourselves...
Something we only know, we only get, we only understand...

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you
'Cuz you're there for me too...
The Rembrandts - I'll Be There For You

Friday, March 09, 2012

I'm Unable to Define

I am so sorry for the visual hazard caused by
the images I edited. I'm so amateur.
I have no photoshop installed, by the way.
I used Microsoft Power Point instead.
Thanks, Bill.

Meant to be a Mean

"lo cantik deh, pake pink..."

He might have forgotten when exactly he said to me so. Or maybe I'm not the only one who was pretty in pink for his eyes. But for me... that meant a lot.

Yes that meant a lot.

And his help for me just when I need that kind of help.
And his presence in almost nights that we spent hanging around the internet.
And his existence when I need somebody who listen.

That also meant a lot.

Meant. Why couldn't it be a mean?

Yes that could be a mean.

For his nonexistence when I want him to read my story.
For his arrogance left me hanging waiting for 10 hours until he replied me.
For his I'm-busy-contact-me-later.

That's so mean.

I remember he told me he got something for me, the thing he bought from his trip.
I remember he said "I'll give you two of these".
I remember... just almost everything!

How could he be so mean, when he's the one meaningful?