This is the second post I made to join the Lomba DPD from :)
I intentionally try to make this in (hopefully a proper and good) English. ;)If I ever been a representative of DPD RI, I would encourage and embolden the youth of Indonesia to become the youth of the world, and dare to make changes, both to Indonesia and to the universe. The first mission came up to this idea is to ensure the youth participating in kinds of organisations and events, and showing themselves as they are.
Why do they need to participate in kinds of organisations and events? As far as i concern, organisations is the place where they can build networks, develop their skills and, as I believe, the perfect place to run from their daily life. By doing voluntary acts from the organisations they are working for, they have themselves safe and keep away from such negative things such as consuming drugs, join to a gangster or whatsoever. Youth, as I do, often feel bored to such repetitive activities and routines: home - to school (or campus) and spend the rest of the day at school - to tutoring class - to home and do the home works and tasks. It might sound so boring, and yes, that is boring. So, joining and working for and organisations, I’d say, is a perfect runaway.
Moreover, the organisation will provide members, whom to them are their networks. Life is not alone, the youth will need help from many hands and they can always ask and find the helping hands they need from these friends. These friends will also develop their skill to communicate, to persuade and to lead a group of people. This stuff basically will be needed for their future.
So, to encourage and to embolden them to join kinds of organisations, I, as the representative of DPD RI, will also encourage any students organisations to stand and do stuff needed to meet the vision. Starting from schools, for example, I will try to encourage students to join organisations such as OSIS, any extracurricular like Paskibra, Rohis, PMR, etc., and also do the same for the universities.
The youth also need to show themselves as they are by being themselves. And why do they need to be themselves? So the world is not full by fake people. Once they true to themselves, they’ll be true to the world.
So, the vision from this youth and organisations stuff is to let the youth be the agent of the change to a better Indonesia, and to a better world.