Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hi Risk, Can I Meet Return?

I've learnt something in Investment Management, a class--well I'm not supposed saying it's a class though; well it's a subject of my study--I'm currently running for this semester. It is said that there are two psychological types of investor: the risk averse, and the risk taker.

The Risk Averse investors tend to avoid any kinds of risks on their portfolio investment. There are some risks that I wont elaborate more on this post besides this one famous risk: Market Risk. If you wanna feed up your curiousity about what Market Risk is, I think you'd better do ask Uncle Google. This aint an economic blog post anyway, just trying to relate to :p

And the second type of investor is The Risk Taker. This kind of investor takes risks with the hope that he'll got the return of his portfolio investment equal (or even more) to the risks he took. To simplify: high risk, high return. He takes risks to get the return in the future. So what is this return gonna be anyway? Oh it can be coupons, capital gains, and dividends.

And why are you doing this relating-Investment-Management-to-blog-post anyway?

That's because I have taken a high risk, and hoping that I'll get a high return from the risk I just took.

And the risk you've taken?

Presenting my Essay Presentation on Best Student Competition (it's an internal competition actually, where the participants are chosen by their cumulative GPA through the semesters) in English!!!!
I don't mean to show off or else to you guys but really, I was just thinking that I have this little nibble ability in English so why cant I just give it a try on this competition?

Okay. But excuse me, what's the risk again?

You know. Making this presentation in English is quite simple though. I pick the simplest word and I get away from the confusing economic terms and names. And I'll explain them in the simplest words I may arrange.
AND THEN THE RISKS ARE... I'm so afraid of the judges. They're all my lecturers, they've gone abroad to work and to study in Germany or Australia or America or Netherlands or so. They must be so damn good in English and that they may find me arranging or saying wrong words, or severely, wrong grammar!!
PLUS... What if they ask me questions I cant answer? And even lame, what if the question itself I cant understand? What if they ask me "why'd you present it in English but your Essay is in a good Bahasa Indonesia?"?
PLUS... If I fail presenting this in a Very Good English, I may get minus or many minuses on my scores. And that I'll be failing for the next level of the competition.
PLUS... Some people will see me as a Miss-Show-My-English-Off but tell ya the truth I cant even do the best English. I cant even write a good article in English. Cant you see the risk?????

Err... yup but... let's say you are not failing. You're succeeded. And the return will be?

Well it's obvious that I'll get the plus points to my score and making my presentation differ to other competitors--which THAT I've been looking for. And also, it's for my very own self-actualization means that I actually use my little capability in English. Not only for blogging, but also for speaking and presenting an idea. Though I'm not writing the Essay in English.

Do you have plans?

I keep three plans. Plan A is presenting the whole package in English with the PowerPoint Presentation I made in English. Poles apart, Plan B is presenting the whole package in Bahasa with the PowerPoint I made in Bahasa (if some times I later I get really nervous and finally I become the risk averse investor). While Plan C is combining both language, in English and in Bahasa, with the PowerPoint in Bahasa. Seems like Plan C is more safe. Err, gonna consider about this very soon.

Oh well... Wish me luck.

Wish me a bunch of luck.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Sayap Sayap Patah

Wahai langit
Tanyakan pada-Nya, mengapa Dia menciptakan sekeping hati ini
Begitu rapuh dan mudah terluka
Saat dihadapkan dengan duri-duri cinta
Begitu kuat dan kokoh
Saat berselimut cinta dan asa

Mengapa Dia menciptakan rasa sayang dan rindu di dalam hati ini
Mengisi kekosongan di dalamnya
Menyisakan kegelisahan akan sosok sang kekasih
Menimbulkan segudang tanya
Menghimpun berjuta asa
Memberikan semangat juga meninggalkan kepedihan yang tak terkira

Mengapa Dia menciptakan kegelisahan dalam jiwa
Menghimpit bayangan
Menyesakkan dada
Tak berdaya melawan gejolak yang menerpa

Wahai ilalang
Pernahkan kau merasakan rasa yang begitu menyiksa ini?
Mengapa kau hanya diam, katakan padaku!

Sebuah kata yang bisa meredam gejolak jiwa ini
Sesuatu yang dibutuhkan raga ini
Sebagai pengobat rasa sakit yang tak terkendali

Desiran angin membuat berisik dirimu
Seolah ada sesuatu yang kau ucapkan padaku
Aku tak tahu apa maksudmu
Hanya menduga
Bisikanmu mengatakan ada seseorang di balik bukit sana
Menunggumu dengan setia
Menghargai apa arti cinta
Hati terjatuh dan terluka
Merobek malam menoreh seribu duka

Kukepakkan sayap - sayap patahku
Mengikuti hembusan angin yang berlalu
Menancapkan rindu
Di sudut hati yang beku

Dia retak, hancur bagai serpihan cermin
Sebelum hilang diterpa angin

Sambil terduduk lemah Ku coba kembali mengais sisa hati
Bercampur baur dengan debu
Ingin ku rengkuh
Ku gapai kepingan di sudut hati
Hanya bayangan yang ku dapat
Ia menghilang saat mentari turun dari peraduannya

Tak sanggup kukepakkan kembali sayap ini
Ia telah patah
Tertusuk duri yang tajam

Hanya bisa meratap
Mencoba menggapai sebuah pegangan